About the substance :
Package as ZIP downloadable that contains :
- Organized .sbs file (with frame).
-.sbsar file to use in Substance Softwares or in any others Softwares with the Substance plug-in, with many tweakable options to personalise and adapt your texture to your projects. (like color, damages, roughness ...)
Output (PBR metal/rough) : Base Color, Normal, Roughness, Metalic, Transmissive.
Better Preview Here : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/QyG4B
(exemple of utilisations for your assets : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/yYo3R )
Licence :
Substances and exported textures cannot be redistributed or resol. Intended for educational use, commercial use is allowed for the textures or edited/re-exported texture files.
Version :
Substance Designer 6 or newer is required. Substance Player for sbsar file.
(Digital products are non-refundable)
Adding a new purchase option :
- Extended Commercial License