Hi! I did this project to practice and try Photogrammetry, I wanted to try as many types of asset as possible, so I did some props, Tileable textures, ground vegetation and trees. All assets present in this scene are made or scanned by myself, with my phone and processed with softwares mentioned below.
When I started working on this project I was just supposed to do a sort of personal library of scanned assets, then I wanted to do a diorama to present them, but I was so happy with the result I got that I created this environment.
I am very happy with this experiment, I will probably do a Blog Post about it to break down how I managed to do my scan with stuffs that everyone already have with him, to show that if you just want to have fun and try photogrammetry you don't need very expensive gears.
And so you can also expect more cool stuff about Photogrammetry to come soon because I really enjoyed using this new workflow.
You can find some more detailed shots of the Wooden Cart here : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Aq2z4z